Ms Dryg Teaches

I wanna be a better teacher :-)

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Friday, 4/7/06

Art1:3D through foreshortening
TCM2:Worked with kids on their 'Path' movies. Still helping the few who fell behind on exporting, interfacing with Dreamweaver, uploading/ftp-ing.
P5:Meeting with Robin and Con-nect lady. I showed them what I do, how I am trying to incorporate writing, literacy components, interdisciplinarity...
I expressed my need for support, ideas, and feedback along these lines.
Topics, ideas, reflections:
  • reflective writing
  • artist statements
  • journals, don't need to be corrected because they are ...
  • looked at political cartoons-spoofs, which has tie to SS regents

Thu. 4/6/06

Art1:3D through linear perspective, an interior space
TCM2:Worked with kids on their 'Path' movies. Helped the few who fell behind on exporting, interfacing with Dreamweaver, uploading/ftp-ing. The 3D movies look great, I especially like Rochelle's wacky upside down room.
P5:Meeting with our literacy coach, Robin, we went over our plan for facilitating the new CEP; she will try to get Principals go ahead.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Wed 4/5/06

Art1:3D through linear perspective
TCM2:Begin flash project, path
P5: I am meeting with our literacy coach, we went to a Region 4 meeting yesterday re: the new CEP template
  • identify root causes
  • gather data
  • set priorities
  • write narrative
  • plan budget to accomplish goals and objectives
  • facilitate CEP team meetings
  • facilitate Dept. meetings