Ms Dryg Teaches

I wanna be a better teacher :-)

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Tues. Wed. 4/11:12/06

Art 1: Great spring weather, students went out into our courtyard with their lapboards to draw from life.
TCM2: Students worked on uploading reflective writing assignments and caught up on movie assignments.
Per 5: Met with Robin Litman to discuss CEP dept. meeting plan. Also discussed Haiku project I will be doing the next week. She loaned me a nice book, collected poetry and art.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Monday 4/10/06

Art1: Texture and value using Ink, wash and bamboo brush and pen.
TCM2: Reflective writing assignment
Michael, Amid, Haris, et all premiered their version of the Godfather, hilarious. i am so haapy that they have taken up the application of multimedia tools. I must try to get more girls involved and enthused! Interesting Oprah show, Pink and others talking about "stupid girls"; girls dumbing themselves down for acceptance, money, approval. Reminds me that I should get the YWT class/club going in the fall.