7th grade video class
These guys are great, they are up for pretty much everything! The link to our blog class is at the right>>>
Our leader said all she wants us to do this month is get to know our students as learners, so we started with Multiple intelligences, gathered class data, organized the data, presented the data, filmed the presentations, so now when the equipment begins to arrive(supposedly this week) they will have something to edit. The electricians are in the building to wire up the Video/sound broadcast studio. {Yikes, I never taught broadcast Journalism before! Wait, the Producers Project was a good start, I'm breathing now.}
Now we are starting pre-production on four class film projects. I suspect we will come to a halt for a week or so, as these kids will be setting up the laptops when they get here. So each film crew will have 6-7 members, + actors. Next week we start writing screenplays.
The 7th grade ELA teacher and I have a couple collaborations n the hopper too.
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