Thinking about thinking; Knowledge
"we need to understand if we are to avoid past mistakes and move in productive directions. " Howard Gardner
Essential questions:
- Why are we here, in school, at WJPS?( to gain knowledge)
- What is knowledge?
- How do we get knowledge?(we learn it)
- How do we/why do we work in groups, teams?
- Share out from weekend assignment.
- grade 7 perception
- grade 9 blogging
- Group discussion: Why are we here, in school, at WJPS?
(to gain knowledge, understanding, by learning)to become knowledgeable. - Individual writing, "What is (becoming) knowledge; what different ways are there to gain knowledge?"
silent, indiv. writing in notebook-journal
I write with them - how do we work in groups? class discusses protocals for respectful group communication
- break up into small groups to share definitions and ways to get knowledge
- come to a consensus on a definition of knowledge
- groups write it out on chart paper
- groups present
- class discussion of multiple intelligences
At the core of this theory is the recognition that people think and learn differently and that intelligence can be expressed in a multitude of ways. students understand their strengths and challenges using multiple intelligence as a tool. Students learn to use strengths to acquire new information and work on more fully developing their knowledge in areas that are a challenge for them.
- debrief: MI test, "how do you learn best?" do at home
- 7th grade - 9th grade
- 7th grade
- Reflective individual writing
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