Advisory: Trust
13 9th grade girls.
The college Board gave us a manual full of good lessons. I decided to do 2 days on trust to try to break up a clique I saw forming within the girls. Just making them sit in a circle broke it up pretty much. They are chatty but they follow instructions, if reluctantly sometimes. I figured trust was a dramatic topic that we could bond over, and we talked about it in summer PD with regard to community building.
- sit in a circle, each member of the group takes a turn sharing about someone they trust and why (one didn't trust anyone)
- group discusion of when they might have felt their trust was betrayed
- Each group member takes a turn sharing about whether they consider themselves trustworthy and why (only one copped to being a bit of a gossip when the person involved was someone tehy didn't like)
- girls pair up with a group member they trust, or are willing to trust
- one blindfolds the other and leads then around the perimeter hallway
- the sighted leader of the pair is responsible for the safety of the Blinded one
There are two doorways to go through and mostly we were bumping into one another
I want to take this into activities about making good choices, non-violent(physical and mental) conflict resolution, being a good citizen of the world.
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